Wednesday, December 29, 2004

waves of horror...

look at me here... talking about being in love with december and going on holiday when a few hundred kilometers northwest from where i am, there was an earthquake, which hit the northern tip of the island of Sumatra on Sunday, 26 December 2004.

i didn't realise just how bad it was until i saw the increasing death tolls in each country during the daily news. and yesterday, I found out that the tsunami waves from the earthquake also hit some western african nations. if you look at the map, you'll understand how. well, basically, those countries that lies in the indian ocean and between the equator & the tropics of cancer were hit by the waves. if not for the geographical state of south east asia, the pacific islands could have been hit too. but let's not go there.

i was watching the news and saw pictures of funerals taking place and family members of those who died, showing extremely intense emotions. i feel for them. can you imagine if in a split second, your loved ones are gone and you are the only one left in this world?? i know i will be in total devastation. it will take a long time to get over this and move on.

an earthquake in the indian ocean affected two continents with a few days left to the new year. although the rest of the world are symphatising with the victims & their families over this act of nature, i am sure most of us are going to be out there to welcome the new year. go ahead. for me, i am going to do my part in respecting this tragedy by staying at home and say a little prayer for those souls who had been lost and some of whom may not be found.