Friday, December 17, 2004

how lucky are we??

today's entry is in response to the post by my friend, who, in france about their healthcare situation. it is in french, so for the benefit of those who may get lost in translation, the post basically talks about the lack of doctors available in france and how the government's policies are not benefitting those working in healthcare. thus, leading to the problem faced by their citizens today.

who's wife was ill on tuesday but she could not get an appointment to see the doctor until friday. 'c'est incroyable!', the french would say. for fart's sake, how would you know that you would fall sick, right? "i think i will fall sick next week. i better call the doctor for an appointment this week, just in case."

then, it got me thinking about how lucky we are in singapore. the government has established the
medisave account & medishield system where we could use it when the medical needs arise. doctors, specialist & general practitioners are easily available. where i live, there are at least 7 clinics and 1 is opened 24/7. how lucky is that?? our medical services and health insurance are affordable. obviously, our government is doing something right. why do you think our country is attracting so many foreigners? we have immigrants from china, hong kong, philippines, india and even some from the UK. it is like utopia here, where everything has been thought of and figured out.

i am grateful that i live in a nation where the government has thought of everything for us. well, there are things that could be improved but let me ask you this question. would you rather be here or would you rather be a child living in a third world country, suffering from hunger and incurable disease, no doctors to help with immunisation, corrupt government, living in a slump and you don't know if you are going to live to see tomorrow? think about it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

to answer ur question, yeah i guess to a certain extend I am glad to be here in teeny-weeny-efficient-rigid-Chinapore...I mean Singapore. Eerrrr France is not a 3rd world ctry and yet incidents like Who's wife happened. maybe situation such as that don't happen in 3rd world ctries cos they'd probably rather see the 'sharman', 'bomoh', 'witch doctor', or pray to the spirits, or make rituals etc...other aspects of their lives...that's another story altogether! -NH-

Anonymous said...

Yeah France is not a thirld world country, and in my opinion we have one of the best social health system in the world, but the problem is that this system is too old and not really well managed.

Anonymous said...

It was me for the last comment... :p