Wednesday, January 30, 2008

more sleep deprived...

A few years ago, I wrote about sleep deprived Singaporeans. Nothing much has changed since. With my daily commute to work on the train, I saw plenty of sleepy heads but the one I saw this morning must have been really tired. I don’t think that the way she sat was actually comfortable but obviously she must have been really tired that comfort didn’t really matter as long as she gets the slumber she needed before the start of her working day.

I need to get a life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2007 - a look back...

It is a bit late for a look back at the year for 2007. However, 2007 has been quite a year for yours truly and it will be such a shame not to record the highlights down:

The year of short holidays
1. Krabi, Thailand in March with LET
2. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & Phuket, Thailand in August 2007 with Kevin

Short holidays are better than no holidays. One will go nuts without a break.

The year of maintaining something I started
When I first started to change my lifestyle to a healthy one in November 2006, I kept thinking about how it will be short-lived. It has happened in the past. However, that is not so. It is January 2008 and I am still going. I am glad that I have proved myself wrong.

This will no longer be a highlight in 2008. The challenge now is to maintain it for the rest of my life.

The year of taking part in races
Two 10-km race (Passion & Shape Run)
15-km race (Real Run)
21km race (Singapore Bay Run)
42 km race (Standard Chartered Marathon)

Not that I have won any of the races but it was important to just take part in it. Running a full marathon in December was definitely the highlight of my 2007 and my life so far. I wouldn't even think of running 1 or 2 km years ago, let alone running a marathon. So, I am proud that I have achieved this, even if I didn’t finish it in the best time.

I am looking forward to running more races (perhaps in more challenging ones) in 2008. Good luck to me and may this year be a good a year like it was in 2007.

Monday, January 28, 2008

life cycle management - a bad example..

My goodness! Almost a month into the new year and I have not posted any entry on my lovely blog!! There is a reason (or two, or more) for that.

Crazy beginning to the year, as far as work is concerned for yours truly. Wish it was not that way but.. oh well.

Also, the minimal entry (or none of it) was due to the fact that I have been having some trouble with the computer at home. Being the procrastinator that I am, it took me a while to get the computer sorted out.

It all began when my iPod of 3 years went dead on me last October and one thing led to another, it went downhill from there.

Sequence of Events

Oct 2007 : Bought a new Creative ZEN MP3 player for my run. It was small and light. Perfect companion for running.

Oct 2007 : My iPod of 3 years went dead on me. Devastated. Daily entertainment was now in the hands of the Creative ZEN.

Nov 2007 : Research and contemplation of buying of new iPod began. Mentioned to Moh about my being in the market for new Ipod and he told me about a good deal he heard of. I took it because it was approximately 40% off retail price.

Dec 2007 : I am now an owner of iPod. 80GB ( a monster compared to the measly 15GB I had on the previous iPod). However, new Ipod only runs on Windows XP or Vista. Yours truly is running Windows 2000 Professional. Bugger! Around the same time, video card on my computer went berserk. The iPod and computer were left untouched since then.

Jan 2008 : A month without PC and iPod. Was getting tired of listening to same songs on Creative since all my MP3s are in the hard disk of my dead computer. Made a point to get it sorted. Went to buy a 320GB hard disk & Windows XP and I was raring to go.

28 Jan 2008 : Faced complications when trying to install new hardware and operating system in the last couple of weekends. One issue came after another. It is just not worth the time and money to figure out what it is wrong with it because the issues all boil down to compatibility. Much easier to just buy a new machine, what with this one is already 5 years – totally outdated.

Now : Contemplation of Yours Truly on buying a new PC. No Thanks to iPod – the root cause of all my technological issues.

Lesson Learnt : Stay relevant, dated.

My geeky friends will be laughing their toes off if they hear about the specifications of my computer. So, I am going to save the humiliation and not mention anything at all.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

another year in the millenium..

Happy 2008!! May it be a good year, if not great.