Saturday, December 11, 2004

meet Mister D...

a year ago, i met someone who makes me happy. how often can you say that about someone?? everytime i am with him, he makes me smile, he makes me laugh and even though the attention that he gives me is not very long, i appreciate every single minute of the attention that i am getting from him. he made me want to give him all of my attention. he is the apple of my eye and it is amazing how quickly time flies when you are having fun and it is already a year since it all began.

you are probably thinking that i am talking about a man, right?


this person is actually my one-year old friend, Mister D, who came into our lives a year ago, 11 December 2003. well, more like he came into the lives of my best friend, and her husband. and they have let me in into their son's life and i am happy to be part of it.

Mister D has such a wonderful personality. very socialble and i could sense that he likes the ladies. oh yes.... when i asked him for a kiss on his birthday today, he gave me one and kept wanting to give me more. early signs of a ladies man is already showing. we think that when he grows up, he is going to break a lot of girls' hearts. ;-) he has started to utter words. he has three teeth. he is now has started taking his first few steps. we all look forward to all his new tricks and there is always something new with him everyday.

happy 1st birthday, Mister D!! i look forward to spending more happy times with you.


Anonymous said...

Interesting entries apart from the football ones. Those I didn't care much for. - SSH