Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy days...

Despite the lack of sleep (only four hours, after going to bed at 4.30 am earlier this morning), I am in good spirits now. I made myself get up at 8.30am this morning and kept myself busy with chores – like putting away my luggage, sort out the dirty laundry, etc. A few on-line chats with some friends helped too. I hope to stay up till midnight tonight to watch the title decider of the Barclays Premier League and perhaps the jet lag will be over and done with by tomorrow morning.

My previous entry was written when I was in such a sorry state – like I want to believe it was. Sheesh! I even said that I was going to take a holiday from looking at my holiday photos! Now, how could I? I was looking at the photos again this afternoon while uploading it and sharing it with a couple of friends. One of them commented that these photos are happy photos and the fun that was had was very obvious. My mood was uplifted after hearing that and took a look at them again.

So now, I want to share the happy days I had in Europe with everyone here. I have so many favourites from the lot, so I will not even attempt to post those on this page. Enjoy them! I certainly have and will be for a long time from now.

Click here to see photos.