Wednesday, March 02, 2005

sleep deprived??

are singaporeans sleep deprived?? the question crossed my mind this morning while travelling to work on a bus. there were at least 5 people who were sleeping. one of them was a couple... aawww.... how sweet... travel to work together and sleep on the bus together.

there was also this familiar face this morning... i know her because she always gets on the bus a stop after me and she would get off at the same stop as me. she would sleep her way through our 40 minutes journey downtown. and mind you, she gets herself comfortable too. she would slouch to make sure that her head is well rested on the seat and she even put on her cardigan if the air-con in the bus is getting too cold for her. there was a time when she sat beside me and she almost had her head resting on my shoulder. i hate that... it makes me uncomfortable. it is like the very little space i have on my seat is being invaded.

now, with all these people sleeping on their journeys to work either via bus or the train, i just wonder what they did last night that they need to catch up on sleep during their journey to work?? eight hours of sleep is not enough?? okay, maybe i don't have a life so much that sleep deprivation is not an issue for me. i get at least a minimum of 6 hours of sleep. yes, i get sleepy sometimes but i use my journey to work to be with my own thoughts. i put the headset on and listen to my favourite music on my iPod , while my thoughts travelled all over the world during the 40 minutes journey. what impresses me is that this people can sleep while sitting. i certainly can't do that. they must be really tired. poor them. well, they can sleep all they want but as long as they don't rest their heads on my shoulder, thinking it is their pillow, it doesn't bother me. but still, one can't help but wonder the activities that has engaged these sleepy souls the night before. hhmmm...