Monday, March 28, 2005

see you again soon, mister D!

this evening, i said 'goodbye' to my favourite little friend, mister D, who was moving to Dubai in the UAE, where his dad will be working for his new job. even though i said goodbye to them at the airport just over an hour ago, it still has not sunk in yet that they are not in singapore anymore. it still feels like they have just left for two weeks holiday and will be back with lots of stories from their holidays soon. frankly, sal and kaz were feeling the same way even after checking in the airport.

i know i will be seeing mister D again in the very near future but i am going to miss him terribly. it is amazing to see a child grow up and the remarkable developments he made through the past 15 months since he first arrived into our lives like his first smile, his first laugh, his first few steps, his first birthday, the kisses he gave away, his telling-people-off and his likings for blondes little girls... (yes, seems like they start early these days).

since he was born, i have been taking photos of him every time i see him and that was like every month. i think he associated me to the camera and it acts as a bait for him to come to me each time i see him. in recent months, he would be happy to be posing for the camera each time i hold it up to him and he would then come to me just so he could see the results on the display panel. kids these days, they are so smart. after this evening, those monthly folders that i have of him in my computer will no longer grow. looks like i have to resort to other subjects...

here is how i remember him ... from the last weekend that mister D and his parents were here...

but through the last 15 months, i think this is how he would see and remember me...

i am going to miss you much, mister D but i know that i will see you again soon!