Wednesday, March 02, 2005

it is raining man!!!

as much as i want the subject to literally mean it is raining man (good looking man, mind you) but no. i am talking about the weather. singapore has been going through a dry spell since 26 January 2005. it was hot and humid, with temperature at a maximum of 34 degree celcius. it is rare for this early part of the year, where it should be a little cooler - well, if you can call 29 to 30 deg celcius a cool temperature - . temperature usually rises between 33 to 35 degree celcius come may and june. anyway, with the hole in the ozone layer and global warming, you just don't know what to expect anymore when it comes down to the weather.

over the weekend, there were a few downfalls but it was only today that it began pouring, almost the whole day and it began at 5 in the morning. it cool things down a bit and the plants, trees, etc must be sighing with relief. singaporeans, who are not only sleep deprived but also deprived of extreme cold weather - what being in the equator all their lives and all - started putting on sweaters and all today. singaporeans long for the day when they can put on a winter jacket or fur coat or any form of winter clothing to keep them warm. i guess they don't know what it is like to live in regions where warm weather only comes 3 months or so in a year. i think we are very lucky. we don't have to worry about changing our wardrobe every three months to suit the weather. we wear t-shirt most of the time. we get a tan just by walking out in the sun for 5 minutes. we don't need heaters (although most singaporeans will have water heater at home for what a hot shower on what they call a cold morning). we don't have to shovel the snow away from our driveways. in europe, it must have been one of the coldest winter ever in history that they are experiencing now. how lucky are we?? but as you know, the grass is always greener on the other side. however, in europe, i don't think we can see green, or grass for that matter, now.

to my friends in europe, hope the weather will improve soon. unless, this is what you like. ;-)