Wednesday, July 18, 2007

365 days later....

This week marks my first year in this job. I could not believe that I lasted a year in this place, what with the ups and downs… well, mostly downs, considering the frustrations I face here almost at a regular basis. That is why I could not believe that I lasted this long. Shows you that I have persevered and my tolerance level has gone up. Thank you to the years of experience working with the most prestigious MNCs and the less than perfect organisations. The two extremes have helped me a lot.

What surprises me this morning (after that ovation points I received last month) was when I received an automated e-mail signed off by the Senior VP in the States, thanking me for the year of service. Now, that's a first! In all my working life, I have never received this sort acknowledgement for your anniversary with the company after just a year. Normally, you would get an acknowledgement after 3 or 5 years and longer. I know it is only an automated e-mail but the words lay out in there, makes you feel like you belong and that you have contributed so much (even though you know the opposite is true):

"Today, you achieved a great accomplishment in your career - 1 year of dedicated service to this company.

Your performance throughout the last year has been instrumental to accomplishing our vision of becoming the service provider for the enterprises worldwide.

I appreciate your contribution to our business and I am proud of your dedication and hard work. You may print a certificate by clicking Years of Service Certificate. Thank you for your service."

It is funny that the word career was used. I have a thing about that word when it comes down to my job - it not anywhere near my work life vocabulary. I read those words and thought that they were so fake. Yet, I feel appreciated knowing that this organisation takes effort to do this to every employee even though they don’t even know who you are. So, I accepted this e-mail with a little bit of pride - just a teeny weeny bit, ok? Also, I think it is time to have a chat with the boss to see if there is a possibility of, you know, $$ increase.

I was at the pantry this morning when a colleague walked in. Somehow we got to talking about how long we’ve been here and found that we joined in the same month. So we decided to celebrate – we are going for a nice lunch tomorrow and I am sure there will be some moments of us bitching about this place. Ha ha. Oh well, that is what work life is about. There is always something negative to say about your organization. When you go on a day with your job without a single complain, now that would be a day when I sit frozen in the office.