Thursday, June 28, 2007

the bitch switch is on - part 2 of infinity...

I hate it when the bitch switch is on and today is one of those days again. I began picking over the menial things.

Today, I got really fed up (although I was not showing it) when my colleagues decided to go somewhere nearby the office for a Subway sandwich. It was after 12pm and getting seats at this teeny weeny food court place was impossible, what this place being in the heart of the financial district. I have originally suggested going to this mega food court 5 to 7 minutes away, which we ended up going anyway since we couldn't get a table for 4 at the original lunch spot that was chosen.

Then, at this mega food court, after ordering my sandwich at Subway, I requested for it to be toasted. And they said that they could not toast my sandwich. They stated the reason but I know that even if I made a big deal out of it, my sandwich will not be toasted. I was hungry, I had to walk from one place to another for my sandwich and now, my sandwich was not going to be hot. I was upset, very upset that I was having a hot meal.

I could not believe that I am getting upset over all the small stuffs. I blame it all on the hormones. So there!