Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 - looking back...

Looking back at 2006, it has been a great year for yours truly. Here are a few things that made it great in descending order:

7. A Trip To Dubai In January During The Shopping Festival
A good few days away from work and had some retail theraphy. I hit the malls on some days and bagged some great deals that I have no regrets of.

6. Holiday In China In August
I had a fabulous time in Beijing, Hangzhou & Shanghai with Kevin & Ger. Moments I will cherish for a very long time from now.

5. A New Job In July
I found a new job after hunting for one for a very long time and after having been in my old job for six years. It was a refreshing change and it is also nice to get a good raise.

4. Taking Part In 10k Run In Standard Chartered Marathon In December
It was totally spontaneous because I thought I had to do it as I have been procrastinating about taking part since 2005. I am glad I did, even if it was only for 10km.

3. Changing My Daily Diet & Establishing A Regular Exercise Regime
In recent months, I have minimised carbohydrate intake (which I used to take a lot of) and turned to other alternatives as well as reducing the quantity of food that I eat.

Training for the 10km run prior to the Standard Chartered marathon has also motivated me to establish a regular exercise regime as I am seeing the benefits. I used to dread doing exercise but I enjoy it now.

2. Shedding Some Weight
With a change in my diet and regular exercise, I have managed to shed some excess weight, which I have gained much of since 2005. Since August, I have lost 6 kilograms. I am now within my ideal weight range. I have not felt so good in a long while and the satisfaction of being able to fit in those trousers and skirts, which I have not been able to wear for over a year now, is just priceless!

1. A Complete 360-Degree Change In My Attitude
For years now, I have quite a negative attitude – complaining and whining about almost everything and sweating all the small stuffs, especially about work. Then, one fine day, I did a 360-degree turn and got rid of that negative me after I realised that the negative side of me has affected the people around me too. It sure feels good not being negative and sweating the small stuffs - dealing with things is so much easier now.

With all the positives in 2006, I am looking forward for an even better year in 2007 and keeping the positive momentum going! I am so ready for what’s coming this year!


Anonymous said...

I guess you are a late bloomer eh! Nevertheless, it's not too late to realized your own potential and strenghths.

Well done Idah! From what I have heard and witnessed, certainly you are a change person.

Keep the momentum going and don't look back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.