Tuesday, November 02, 2004

iPod, uPod, shePod, hePod, theyPod, ourPod, gayPod, straightPod, damn-uPod..

i was looking at my 7-month old iPod this morning and thought, "wouldn't it be cool if Apple would come up with an iPod that I can view movies or pictures?" I figured it may be a while before Apple will come up with such a design.

boy, was i wrong!!!! i was reading a weekly magazine called Digital Life and guess what I saw?? a new iPod photo for those who are into music and digital photos in one gadget. there is a 60GB one which can store up to 25,000 digital photos or up to 15,000 songs. damage? SGD$1088. there is also one with 40GB which can store up to 17,000 digital photos or 10,000 songs. this one costs a mere SGD$888. it has a TV-out port that you can plug to a TV or a projector. man, i was drooling just reading the specs. But damn!! I paid SGD$525 for my 15GB iPod in May which can store up to 5000 songs. But I have always wanted one which I can store my digital photos as well, so that during my holidays, so that i don't have to invest in too many flash cards (which i have a bad experience with one of them. ggrrr.... ) I said to myself, i should have waited. but the longer you wait, there will be something new that will come and you ended up not being an owner of these gadgets because you keep waiting. hmmm... i just thougth of something relating to my personal life but let's not go there.

considering that i have just invested in my iPod 7 months ago, i guess i have to wait till at least middle of next year before i make an investment in this new toy. patience is a virtue (i have to say that but god knows how much i want that new toy right now!).


Anonymous said...

Here in France we have an Archos 40 Go who permits to view Videos !!

I thought that Asia was in advance in new technologies... ;)

Anonymous said...

The comment was from me....

Wh0 :-p

Anonymous said...

yes, we are advanced in Asia. maybe it is just me who is not advanced - this is the first time i am reading a gadget magazine after a long while.