Anyway, I have been using a Nokia 6101 since September 2005. It was a flip phone – something I wasn’t too keen on before. But now, I am hooked. Since earlier this year, I have been looking out for a good deal on another phone. I was not a big fan of Motorola until the Razr V3 came out in the market. It was expensive when it was first released. I hung on to my good old Nokia. Early last year, I bought a used Motorola Razr V3 from a friend for a mere $50 – he had paid $1200 for it (including accessories). Ouch! It was the 1st generation Razr but I thought it was a small price to pay to see if I can get used to a Motorola phone, after all these years using Nokia (apart for a couple of years where I switched to a Siemens). My verdict – not a bad phone after all. The manoeuvring with the interface was not as difficult as I have heard from first time Motorola phone users.
So, in early April, I saw a good deal with my mobile provider – a Motorola V3 Red. Only $68 when I extend my contract. It was a small matter with the extension since I have been loyal to them since 2000. It is quite a bargain. Since it is a (red) product, I am also helping to eliminate Aids in Africa. I am not sure how much of my $68 will go to that cause but nonetheless, it is a small part to play… a very small, teeny weeny part. I doubt that Aids can be eliminated totally but at least something is being done about controlling the disease but that is another story.
I finally started using the phone this week – three weeks after I actually bought it. It took me a while to get the contact list sorted but I managed to sync my contact list from my Microsoft Outlook to my new V3. I have customised my ring tunes too. I have extracted tunes from some of my favourite songs to be my ring tunes. I have the likes of Kylie’s Love at First Sight (Remix), Mya’s My Love is Like… Wo (Remix), JT’s My Love and Nelly Furtado’s Promiscuous as my ring tunes. Okay, I know, it is a bit teeny bopper-ish but it beats having those dull ring tunes which came with the phone. A few people at work has complimented my ring tunes when they heard Mya’s My Love is Like .. Wo. They thought it was not too noisy and really cool. Hey, this phone is meant to be cool and so, it will be.
You may wonder why would I want to buy a Motorola V3 Red when I already have that 1st generation V3? Well, that one is being used for work – I was only given a corporate SIM card but not a corporate phone. Besides, the other V3 is in Silver – very serious looking phone. While this Red one appears much cooler. It will be my companion for the next couple of years. I have not thought about what my next phone will be. I just make full use of Red for now.
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