Monday, November 06, 2006

happy 20th... Sir Alex for being in charge at Old Trafford, the theatre of Dreams of the greatest club in the world, as far as I am concerned. What a way to celebrate your anniversary:

A good start to the season
A good win against Portsmouth on Saturday
A couple of your closest rivals losing their Premiership match against their city rivals

Things went wrong in London on Sunday when first, Arsenal were defeated by West Ham with a late, late goal, which has caused Arsene Wenger (my favourite French man – him speaking English with the French accent just turns me on and he looks good for a mature man) to be very angry. Then, Chelsea was defeated by Tottenham Spurs 2-1 breaking a 19-year spell of never winning against Chelsea. I was thrilled! You should have seen Jose Mourinho, the Chelsea manager rambling away during the interview with Sky Sports – the interviewer only asked him one question but he practically provided an analysis of the entire game in a good five-minutes. Despite the defeats by Man U’s London’s rivals, the matches were hearts stopper with demonstration of brilliant skills and goals scored – I truly enjoyed watching them.

So, I think Sir Alex has a huge smile on his face this week. All positive results but it is still early in the season to conclude anything.

Remarkable 20 years for Sir Alex. It seems like only yesterday when I read about him leading Aberdeen, a Scottish Club, to win the European Cup Winners Cup in 1983, defeating the Spanish giants, Real Madrid. I thought that if he could do this with a Scottish Club, can you imagine what he could do with a big club like Man U, who was hungry to win the League and other trophies. The managers after Sir Matt Busby were all rubbish. Then 20 years ago today, he took over Man U, to my delight. It took him a few years before Man U won the league but it was worth the wait. There was no looking back since.

I have read this autobiography and I am very impressed with what he has done for the club. His management skills were tough, yet effective. He has also created legends in players like Giggs, the Neville brothers, Scholes and Beckham through developing the youth at the club.

At this moment, I cannot see any prospective replacement that can carry on his legacy when he retires and I cannot imagine having to go through another decade of verbal abuse from other clubs’ supporters (those Liverpool fans in the 80’s were just brutal! It was torturous!). I am sure Sir Alex will have a part to play in naming his replacement. In the meantime, I shall just enjoy the great start to the season by Man U. I just have a strong feeling that Man U will end this season with a high – I just do! Sir Alex, you’re the best there is!!