That was until I realized that I have upset a few friends with my whining and complaining – they didn’t say it to my face but I could sense it. I felt really bad and that was the turning point. I have since taken a new attitude – no more whining or complaining. At the end of the day, it is just a job – it pays the bills, the holidays and the shopping.
Also, I find music helps to soothe the mind and changes your mood. I would listen to my iPod while working at my desk, when I am not busy attending meetings or on the phone. Since I sit near the window, I tend to walk up to it once in a while to look at the view. It is not a nice one but at least it is a view and it helps to de-stress for a bit. Sometimes, when you look out the window when it rains, it gives you that nice feeling. I can’t explain it but it is just a good feeling.
I have also stopped letting any negative remarks from other people about work get to me. Yes, we have problems to solve at work. Yes, there is always discrimination at work. Yes, there are days when things don’t always go your way. But that doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. The day will still end. Tomorrow will still come. Life still goes on. I have learnt to switch off my work brain as soon as I stepped out of the office. I sleep better at night this way.
So far, I have done a good job at maintaining a healthy attitude about work. I am beginning to enjoy my work – accomplishing more then when I was being negative about everything. I hope to keep it going, even during PMS. It has done wonders to my daily life – it is like I am a different person. Why didn’t I adopt this earlier on? It took a few hurt feelings to make me realize that my negativity have affected other people too. No fret, a new me has dawned, to spread joy all around. Cheers!