The one thing I hate the most about going on holiday in another continent is recovering from jet lag on the return leg. Getting over a jet lag once you get to your holiday destination is so easy. Probably because you know your holiday has just begun. However, the reverse is utterly depressing and that is what I am going through at the moment.
It is late and my body is still in European time, which led to this sleeplessness the last couple of nights. Then, while I am awake in the middle of the night, I start wondering what my friends in Europe are doing and it depresses me because I want to be there with them. But alas, I am back here. There is not much I can do but try to get over this jet lag very quickly and move on with my regular routine back here. Easier said than done actually. This post holiday blues will be over in a week or two but in the meantime, getting over this is such an ordeal for me.
I thought of ways to get over this depression:
Unpack my luggage as quickly as possible instead of leaving it there for days like I usually do after returning from a trip. That way, the luggage will not serve as a reminder that my holiday is over. Once I tuck away my luggage in storage tomorrow morning, I think I will be over this depression.
Stop looking at the holiday photos until the jet lag is over and done with. I get so depressed just looking at them the last couple of days. So, I will take a holiday from my holiday photos until this jet lag is over and done with. If I am happier, I will look at the photos in a more positive light.
Keep myself occupied with anything – going out with friends, work, reading and my health routine. It has to start tomorrow, or else, I will never get over this depression.
And note to self : No holiday in European countries for a while. Getting too old for this jet lag thing and I don't need the depression – I don't deal with it very well.
This is not like me. I hope to feel better soon.
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