So, I was at the Esplanade Theatre last night and enjoyed most of Queen's hits performed by some very talented people. It was the closest thing to being at a Queen's concert – with Freddie Mercury's passing in 1991, I don't think Queen's concert with the new lead singer is going to be same... not that I could tell the difference since I have never been to a Queen concert to compare.
It was a stellar performance by the cast and it was a plus to find out that Mig Ayesa, from Rock Star (I think that was the name of the show) was the lead. He has a great voice and a brilliant performer. He is quite cute too - a bit camp but I like him. I was rooting to him to win Rock Star but alas he didn't. Nevertheless, he is doing well for himself what with his talents and all.
So, I truly enjoyed the musical. It was like being in a rock concert towards the end as the cast got the audience to participate. The music was loud, the way rock music should be. I wish I was at the front row but unfortunately, I was at one of those circle seats. I felt like doing the head-banging but those days are over but I was doing the head-banging bit in my head while the band banged the drums and strummed the guitars. I think deep inside of me, there is a rock chick.
One of my colleagues commented the other week, when he found out that I was going to this musical, “I know how old you are now that I know you listen to Queen.” What the $%&!@?, I thought. He is not that much younger than me but just because you listen to music of yesteryears, doesn't make you old. I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out that I listen to music from the 60's too? Some of these songs are classic and will remain timeless. Queen music is one of those that will continue to be listened for a very long time from now.
All in all, it was a great show and a musical with a difference. I have the urge to go see it again before their limited performance ends at the end of April. Find me somebody to go see 'We will Rock you' with!!
I love Queen, my kids love Queen, and my grandkids like Queen, too. Queen is ageless! And if you go see WWRY again, you should try to meet the fabulous and awesome MiG. He is sometimes at the merchandise stall to sign his CDs or at the stage door. He is very accomodating to his fans for pics, autographs, and chats. Don't forget to put up a blog and pic if you can.
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