In November 2005, I wrote about looking for my buddy, PJ. Thanks to the internet, the search ended in 2007 when I found him through Aline, a mutual friend, on an online networking portal. We later hooked up through MSN Messenger and then Facebook - not that we chatted a lot over MSN or send pokes or virtual gifts over Facebook much. As I have mentioned in my post in 2005, PJ has not been good with writing e-mails. He is the kind of person who you would enjoy his company in the flesh than over a conversation over MSN or the phone. So, yeah, we exchanged a couple of short e-mails and the occasional short chats over messenger since. I am so glad that we managed to get in touch again.
Then, last week, he surprised me when he pinged me on MSN and asked if I am free for lunch this week. Off course, in an instant I knew that he would be making his way to this part of the world. I was elated! He and his wife, Michelle (yes, he is married now) were going to be in this part for a week or so, visiting his brother-in-law and family in Singapore before going to Hanoi for a few days.
So, I met PJ yesterday, ten years since I last saw him. He is a bit 'healthier' now but other than that, he is still the same fun guy that I used to hang out with. I could not believe that it has been ten years but PJ thought that it was only five years ago. Obviously some people have a good memory. :-P It is like nothing has changed. We were talking away like when the last time we met was only a day ago. We were catching up on what we have been up to and off course, reminisced on the good old days. How could we not? However, trying to cramp the conversations missed for the last decade into a couple of hours was difficult but it was better than not having it at all. We had quite a bit of laugh over lunch and coffee. The plan is to meet up again in ten years. Crazy but it might just work. Whatever it is, I am delighted to have met PJ again and I certainly look forward to meeting him again. In the meantime, it is back to the occasional short chats over MSN messenger.
Dinner, Seattle, October 1998
Coffee, Singapore, February 2008

Then, last week, he surprised me when he pinged me on MSN and asked if I am free for lunch this week. Off course, in an instant I knew that he would be making his way to this part of the world. I was elated! He and his wife, Michelle (yes, he is married now) were going to be in this part for a week or so, visiting his brother-in-law and family in Singapore before going to Hanoi for a few days.
So, I met PJ yesterday, ten years since I last saw him. He is a bit 'healthier' now but other than that, he is still the same fun guy that I used to hang out with. I could not believe that it has been ten years but PJ thought that it was only five years ago. Obviously some people have a good memory. :-P It is like nothing has changed. We were talking away like when the last time we met was only a day ago. We were catching up on what we have been up to and off course, reminisced on the good old days. How could we not? However, trying to cramp the conversations missed for the last decade into a couple of hours was difficult but it was better than not having it at all. We had quite a bit of laugh over lunch and coffee. The plan is to meet up again in ten years. Crazy but it might just work. Whatever it is, I am delighted to have met PJ again and I certainly look forward to meeting him again. In the meantime, it is back to the occasional short chats over MSN messenger.
Dinner, Seattle, October 1998

Coffee, Singapore, February 2008