Friday, June 15, 2007

what have i done?

Eleven months since I moved on to this new job... I repeat, a job and not a career like most people like to think they have. The first three months I have done nothing but complained. Then, the complaints stopped as I decided to direct that energy somewhere else, somewhere positive. I began doing my job as I was hired to do. I admit that there have been frustrations along the way - annoying co-workers, the ass-holes that lurks out of nowhere, demanding clients, blur like sotong boss (that's the Singapore way of saying that someone is a bone-head), unbelievable processes, etc.. oh, I can just go on. However, despite all that, I mainly just vent for a few minutes with some colleagues here and as soon as I left the office, it is off my head. As far as I am concerned, I have been doing a decent job, if not stellar.

Then, this morning, I was surprised to receive an e-mail of commendation. I almost fell off my chair as I read the words penned out for my commendation:

"Congratulations! You have been awarded with the XXXXX Recognition Program. This has been awarded to you for the following reason:

Tuesday's Child dedication, hard work and perseverance have helped bring success to the XXXXXXXX Asia program. Often stepping outside her normal role to mend pre-sales processes or fulfill one of the many needs of our very demanding client, Tuesday's Child continues to be someone the entire team can count on to get the job done! Tuesday's Child has helped make the overall XXXXXXX program a very positive and rewarding experience and we appreciate her contribution and excellent work."

I am still scratching my head wondering what I have done to deserve this. When did I step out of my normal role to mend processes? When did I fulfil the many needs of our client? I didn't even realize that I have contributed in making it all positive and rewarding experience. I have been awarded commendations like these before in my previous job but I expected it because I know my performance was outstanding then… aherm - the ego has landed! But this one, it is very much a surprise.

Oh well, I guess I have to learn how to accept this with grace, which I often have problems with. Perhaps, in my eyes, what I thought was part of my job or my responsibility as a team member, has a different but positive impression by others.

What a nice way to end the week, where at one point, I was getting all lazy and unmotivated. The commendation comes with some monetary value …. A small one though but hey, at least it is better than nothing. I am all motivated now and on a Friday too, where we normally just sit back, relax and do minimal work. But today, I am going to give one percent more of the 50% that I normally put in. ;-) My ego is ready to soar again.


Milky Marmalade said...

Oh well done! Remember to treat yourself with that reward!

Tuesday's Child said...

Thank you, Milky! I will definitely be treating myself with the reward! :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! U Go Girl!! ... Liz

Tuesday's Child said...

Thanks, girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Felicitations !

Je suis fier de toi.

Mais pourquoi je ne suis pas etonne que ca te sois arrive ? ;)

A little french exercise for my come back :p

Tuesday's Child said...

Merci,mon ami! Une surprise pour moi, c'est ca! Ca fait longtemps que je parle ou ecrir en francais. Alor, c'est un peu difficile pour moi maintenant. Attend. C'est pas un peu.... beaucoup difficile.

Anonymous said...

Excellent !!

(At least this one is easy ;) )