Sunday, March 18, 2007

sweating it out in the sun...

In recent weeks, I have been making a point to get out on a Saturday and spend some time in the sun – what with my weekdays are spent at the office desk with air-conditioning. Sun is a good source of Vitamin D and it helps to cheer you up and so, I thought I should get some sun once a week and have a good work out to sweat it out.

On Saturday morning, I went a couple of hours of cycling by the beach (under the sun off course) with Ken. Spoke to Ken about it over lunch on Thursday and I think he was keen because there would be possibilities of feasting his eyes over some hot babes on roller-blades by the beach. Hey, it doesn’t matter what his objectives are. The important thing is we were going for some leisurely exercise.

We started off with a nice breakfast (I had a nice cheese sandwich with a cup of flat white to wash it down) before renting a couple of good bikes, to start off the morning. Halfway through our cycling, we had to get off our bikes as there was a duathlon going on. Loads of men were running 10km in the sun. We got back on our bikes after we passed the duathlon’s starting/finishing point and we were cycling pass the runners. It was cramping us from cycling really fast but we were maneuvering the runners, which may have pissed them off.

I think Ken was a little disappointed that one of his objectives were not met – there were not many hot-babes with tank tops on roller-blades that morning. Yours truly on the other hand, got some feasting of the eyes through cycling by those duathlon runners – some of them have really nice butts. I know, they are all sweaty and not really in their best appearance but still, it were a feast. Ken almost made an impression on me when he did a 180-degree flip with his bike – nah, he didn’t. He almost flip over his bike when he hit the break to avoid colliding a cyclist in front of him, who was going really slowly. He almost fell but somehow, he managed to do some 'acrobatic' move to prevent him from falling. I think the so-called acrobatic move left more of an impression on me - a funny one, that is. I wish I had my video camera on for that one.

We treated ourselves to a nice Indonesian lunch and a couple of nice healthy drink that afternoon before Ken went off for his basketball game and yours truly went home to rest after being up and about since 5am. Ken had his warm up with the cycling while I had my warm up before that. I thought I have my own mini duathlon – one with a break in between. I woke up at 5am and went for my 10km morning run before Ken came over. Then, we cycled approximately 15 km later that morning. The energy, which generated from the running and the cycling, left me high, up to the point till I got home. I am a little sore at the butt now and had some sunburn on my shoulders but I’d do this again in an instant. I’m sure Ken will share my enthusiasm for another cycling session again (which I am sure we will make a point to do it). I just hope there will be some hot-babes for him to gawk at next time. As for me, I am happy to be able to test my body for an extended endurance. The obsession continues.


Anonymous said...

The sun is good but do not get burn idah. Also, too much of it is not a good thing. But since u spend only the weekends in the Sun, I guess u are doing the right thing

Sheesh! This cardio and fitness thing is really serious thing for you isn't? I am more than impressed! I am speechless to think that you were once, one of the laziest people I have ever known.

Keep up the good work Idah! Oh! Your bod is to die for now. Seriously, you look hot!