For every women, there comes a time when your biological clock will start to tick. Mine started ticking too at one point but I have put it on permanent snooze since my late twenties. Okay, I know that that is not scientifically possible but it is something that I manage on my own. It is not that difficult but sometimes, the snooze does go off and I have to put it back to permanent snooze real quick. I can't turn off the clock permanently - it is built-in, a function that you cannot tick off the option when you buy the package - it is a compulsary option. There is a also a bug which causes the snooze to trigger even it is not meddled with. We women are stuck with the wrong end of the bargain, if you ask me.
Recently, the snooze button went off and set off my biological clock ticking again when Mister D & his family were back here for a couple of weeks. I don’t really like children that much – only because I don’t know to engage them. In the past, kids would look at me and start to cry, which put me off children even more. That was until Mister D came into my life. I have never connected with a kid before until Mister D.
Since I last saw him in January 2006, where he would use sign language to tell us when he wanted something, he has now become this chatterbox. I spent quite a bit of time while he was here but the snooze button of my biological clock really went off that night when I sent him & his family off to the airport. It was what Mister D did that trigger off the snooze button.
He got all excited when he saw me at the door and started jumping around, which was so touching because that was the first time I have seen a little person got all excited when they saw me. We engaged in funny conversations - Mister D is so comical. I went through a book of transportation with him – he likes vehicles so much. I carried him after his parents and I had some coffee - he was so happy that he didn’t have to walk. He wanted to sit next to me in the taxi on the way to the airport. And finally what made the clock went ticking like crazy was when he fell asleep while in my arms. I have never had a child come close to me like that before.
Recently, the snooze button went off and set off my biological clock ticking again when Mister D & his family were back here for a couple of weeks. I don’t really like children that much – only because I don’t know to engage them. In the past, kids would look at me and start to cry, which put me off children even more. That was until Mister D came into my life. I have never connected with a kid before until Mister D.
Since I last saw him in January 2006, where he would use sign language to tell us when he wanted something, he has now become this chatterbox. I spent quite a bit of time while he was here but the snooze button of my biological clock really went off that night when I sent him & his family off to the airport. It was what Mister D did that trigger off the snooze button.
He got all excited when he saw me at the door and started jumping around, which was so touching because that was the first time I have seen a little person got all excited when they saw me. We engaged in funny conversations - Mister D is so comical. I went through a book of transportation with him – he likes vehicles so much. I carried him after his parents and I had some coffee - he was so happy that he didn’t have to walk. He wanted to sit next to me in the taxi on the way to the airport. And finally what made the clock went ticking like crazy was when he fell asleep while in my arms. I have never had a child come close to me like that before.
It got me thinking – I like the feeling of another tiny human being who wants to be close to you and your attention. Although I enjoy Mister D’s companion, I can’t help thinking that night about having my own Mister D. Bugger! Then, as quickly as the snooze button went off, I quickly put it back on permanent snooze. And it better stay that way for a while. The ticking clock and ‘faulty’ snooze button is not something I want to deal with on a regular basis - something which I have to live with.
Who could resist a cutie & funny little kid like Mister D? He is so irresistable!

Well, just like your recent discovery of fitness and dieting and positive thinking, perhaps you ought to reconsider having a family and a child.
It not so bad you know, to have someone calling you Mommy. Yeah, we can argue about the pros and cons, but the sheer joy of having someone to call your own beats getting a big fat bonus that will disappear after a couple of months. A child, that is forever.
Anyways, I am not asking you to go make a baby now. What I am saying is that do not close the door, not just yet. And also, instead of waiting for surprises to come your way, why don't you surprise yourself!
You know what I am saying. It's time to bring sex-y-back!!
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