First of all, the coat was on sale. The price was slashed 50% for the end of season sale. The original price was SGD186. I have been eyeing this coat since October when it first hit the racks. I was still contemplating on splurging that much money for something which I may not have a chance to put on every so often. Each time I come back to the store, the coat is there with my size. The store manager was nice. She promised to let me know when the coat goes on sale, which she did - she rang me a few days ago to let me know and would put it aside if I want it. I think the coat was meant to be mine - it has my name written all over it. If it is not, it wouldn't still be there up till yesterday!
The other reason - I have been looking for a red coat for years now. Few years ago, I had to go for a last minute business trip to Paris in winter and I scrambled to get a winter coat. Alas, when you are looking for a right coat at the last minute, chances are, you will not find one. So, I ended up settling for a dark blue coat where I looked rather dull and unglam in all my photos taken while I was in the fashion capital of the world.
Last year, I was in England during late spring. I froze my butt off when we spent a cold Saturday at the seaside town of Brighton and all the way back to London that night with my dark denim jacket. In summary, not only did I not keep warm but I also looked so unstylish.
So now, I am not taking any chances. You will never know when I have to get my butt back to a place during the cold months and this time, I am going to look my best. I am looking forward to it already and I don't even know where and when that will happen. I guess, a girl can't help herself when it comes down to being a slave to fashion and wanting to look good. Doesn't anyone?
Nice coat. Suggest you org a Winter Theme Party to show off and using the coat while in Singapore. No need for u to wait for another trip to Europe to put it to good use
Follow this tip
1) Switch on your Air-Con at home and close off all doors and holes to trap the cool air. 24 hours later, you would have a winter home ready for the party
2) Invite your friends and tell them to dress in Winter clothings
3) Make sure the menu is with cold servings only. Iced Latte, Iced-creams, Iced-kacang, Iced-tea, Iced-wiches, Iced-sushi.
Enjoy the party with your new coat :-) I am sure it (the party) and your new coat will be a hit!!
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