Lately, I have been feeling rather nostalgic. Signs of aging, I suppose, where you can't help but think about what you have gone through... the people you meet, the places you went, the music you listened to. Which brings me to this. I was watching a documentary last night about a British pop group which hit the world (well almost) by storm in the 90's. And you have probably guessed it by looking at the album cover on this page... yes... Take That. Do any of you actually remember them???

It was not like I was such a big fan considering that I only discovered them after Robbie Williams left the group in 1995. I bought their greatest hits CD in 1997 and like their music so much that I bought the compilation of their videos. Off course, I was devastated when I left their CD in the player of Susan's car when visiting her in Holland a few months after I bought the CD. However, Sal was nice to actually gave me her copy (apparently, she didn't want to be known that she owned a Take That CD but the truth is out now... sorry missy). Okay, so having said all that, yes, I am quite a fan.
It was interesting to see where the members of Take That are now. They had a reunion but Robbie Williams was a no-show - apparently still sore after 10 years. You know, some people have difficulty letting go... I know this because I am one of those people. But I admire them to actually retreat from the pop world while they were still at the top. Not a lot of groups do that. Take Rollling Stones for example. For heaven's sake, they are a bunch of grandpas and they are still rocking away like they are a bunch of teenagers. Oh, grow up, please!!
So today, I have been listening to the tracks from Take That's greatest hits CD. Their music ain't that bad, if you prefer music with little or the absence of heavy guitar sounds stringing to your ears, like those from those American rock groups. Most of them puts you in a good mood.
The video which I owned on VHS has now gone mouldy (what with the humidity in this country) - I am considering buying their DVDs actually. So yes, I am a loser. I need to get a life.
Come on, come on, take that and party!!!

It was not like I was such a big fan considering that I only discovered them after Robbie Williams left the group in 1995. I bought their greatest hits CD in 1997 and like their music so much that I bought the compilation of their videos. Off course, I was devastated when I left their CD in the player of Susan's car when visiting her in Holland a few months after I bought the CD. However, Sal was nice to actually gave me her copy (apparently, she didn't want to be known that she owned a Take That CD but the truth is out now... sorry missy). Okay, so having said all that, yes, I am quite a fan.
It was interesting to see where the members of Take That are now. They had a reunion but Robbie Williams was a no-show - apparently still sore after 10 years. You know, some people have difficulty letting go... I know this because I am one of those people. But I admire them to actually retreat from the pop world while they were still at the top. Not a lot of groups do that. Take Rollling Stones for example. For heaven's sake, they are a bunch of grandpas and they are still rocking away like they are a bunch of teenagers. Oh, grow up, please!!
So today, I have been listening to the tracks from Take That's greatest hits CD. Their music ain't that bad, if you prefer music with little or the absence of heavy guitar sounds stringing to your ears, like those from those American rock groups. Most of them puts you in a good mood.
The video which I owned on VHS has now gone mouldy (what with the humidity in this country) - I am considering buying their DVDs actually. So yes, I am a loser. I need to get a life.
Come on, come on, take that and party!!!
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