Saturday, July 02, 2005

is this world a better place now?

As I am writing this, LIVE 8 concert has just started, marking the 20th anniversary of when the first LIVE 8 concert was held in 1985. Twenty years and things have not changed much in making this world a better place to live in for every single human being. You think you had it bad because you lost your job? Think again. A woman in Africa struggling to feed her children. Children who were born with Aids. People who lived in countries who could not even afford to feed themselves, let alone vaccination to fight against diseases. You don't have it bad compared to these people.

Funds will raised during this concert and from other fund raising events. But how much of those funds will actually reach to those individuals in those developing countries. World leaders from developed countries need to put an end to wars and help those countries who needs any form of help they can get and work into ending corruption in poverty stricken nations.

You can do your part :
Go to Live8 site and sign your name.
Go to site to see what you can do to help.

Make this world a better place. Your small contribution is a big help to those who needs it.

Happy Birthday, Nadiah!