Wednesday, June 08, 2005

one good looking man can't be wrong....

My friends have completely different taste in men. This I know for sure because when one sees a guy who they find to be extremely good looking, not all of us will agree. But that has changed recently when my entire ‘posse’ saw a photo of a man taken from my recent holiday.

The first one I got was more a cool attitude reaction: “This guy is a looker. No brainer.”

Then there was a joint instant spontaneous reaction from a couple of them, which went: “Ooooo la la… who is this handsome fella? Come to mama!” followed by the ooooooo’s and the aaaaahhh’s of the subsequent photos. (If this were to happen at work with an actual man, personnel would have summoned us for sexual harassment!!!)

There were more ooooo’s and aaaaah’s to follow when a citizen of planet Venus saw the photo. Honestly, it was not like I was soliciting for these reactions. I think it was their hormones, which send the signal to their brains to generate this natural reaction of us Venusians.

I think this is the first time that all of ‘posse’ actually agreed on something and it has to come down to a good-looking man to get into an agreement.

I don’t think they have gotten over the good looks of this person. I may have to start a fan club here. I could make money out of this with the sale of merchandise and all. :-P

Should I reveal who this mystery man is? No, it shall remain a mystery - so as to respect his privacy. He definitely has captured the hearts of a few women here in Asia and he is not even here in this continent. Bizarre o’world, innit? But let me just end with the wise words of my mother : "if you can't have a good looking guy being attracted to you, there is no harm admiring the good works of God to us womankind." I hear you, Mom!