Tuesday, January 13, 2009


In my last entry, I have mentioned that work has become more bearable now and how I went through a few dark months in 2008 at work.

Man, those dark months were the longest days in my 2008. I have even labeled the organisation I work with as Miseryville because I was in misery. I worked long and sometimes, crazy hours, neglected my fitness routine during the week, not sleeping well on most nights, not spending time with my friends and family and my social life was neglected. I also had chest pains and after consulting the doctor, who carried out some tests, concluded I am healthy but was suffering from anxieties. There were days I wondered if I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire when I left Rubbishville. It took my father to say something to make me realise. All he said was, “We don't know you anymore. We hardly or never see you at family meal times in recent months.”

So I reflected and decided that I was going to choose life. I took a step back and looked at the situation and realised that I was letting work get to me. I have been in this situation before and I should know how to manage it. Hence, what I did was go to work and do whatever I can, work late if needed and if not, I'll leave whatever that can wait till the next day. However, I carried out my duties without any passion and take one day at a time. I began to deal with work without any emotions. I don't think long term at all. I made the decision to come to Miseryville and I have to deal with it!

Also, of the three corporate accounts I am managing, there is one account which has been such a pain! In October, it was at the lowest point and I was utterly miserable. As I have mentioned in my last paragraph, I carried out my duties especially on this account with no passion and reluctance. Then last week, as part of my objective, I had to carry out a survey on the various areas of our services for the last quarter. The previous survey went horribly wrong where most areas were rated red, including my role. Now, how's that for motivation?? So, I went to meet the customer with all the negative feeling. Then, a miracle happened. Most of the ratings that were in the red have turned to either amber or green and one of those were my role. The customer turned to me and said that the bad rating given before were not personal and felt that things have remarkably improved between us.

Pinch me because up till this point I could not believe that all these are happening. In the past, the customer was reluctant to see me. All I get was nasty emails of how unhappy they were with things that were going on. It was very painful. Now, they want to see me and my colleagues every week and even giving us new businesses. This week alone, I have been to their office twice for meetings and it is only Tuesday.

Last week, I have also received another customer bouquet on my support to their account and my management have sent me notes to congratulate me, especially for how things have turned around with that tough account I am managing. To be honest, I have no idea what I have done but I must say that there were other things which have changed on how that account is being managed. I have a couple of people on the account with me now, compared to before where I was the only one here. I guess the support helps.

It has only been 2 weeks into the new year but I have been busy as a bee since it began. With the bouquets received and pleasant working relations with all my customers now, my confidence is soaring and I think I am getting my groove back, which I thought I have lost. I did not loose it - it is still there, waiting to be unleashed again. I am no longer a misery resident at Miseryville - the 'town' is ready for a name change.

Monday, January 05, 2009

my 2008...

Before we get well into 2009, I must recap the highlights (and lowlights even) of my 2008. There were reasons why this blog was neglected for much of the second half of 2008 – there were a mixture of low and high points but I tend to let the high points to be overshadowed by the low points. I am not going to let that happen again because, bloody hell, looking back, there were so many highlights in my 2008.

The visit of my buddy, PJ. I was so happy to see him again after he disappeared for like a decade!

I was offered a new job. My ticket out from Rubbishville, finally! I have had enough of the rubbish for much longer and had only a month left to put up with it.

I chopped off my tresses away as well – get rid of the bad vibes that was Rubbishville. Ha. Ha.

One of my favourite people I used to work with, Sonia, was in town and we spent quite a bit of time enjoying a few bottles of good wine and cigars!

Started my new job. A week later, I was Vienna-bound to run my first half marathon overseas, followed by a few days in London, a long weekend in Mallorca and a quick visit to Paris. The most productive holiday I have ever had – recorded my best personal time in half marathon, had a bit of a tan from my first visit to Spain and spent quality time with my friends, Kevin, Ger, Kam, Cyrille, Helene, Pierre, Jerome, Stephane, Judith, Ludo, Jim and off course, my favourite little people, Alexandre and Juliette – There was a new little friend too, Le petit Arthur.

Not only did Manchester United retained the English League title, they won the Champions League, defeating Chelsea (boo!) in Moscow! And this time, I stayed awake to watch the Live match till the end. I was totally stoked!

I miserably completed a night marathon in over 8 hours. I am not a night person and there is no way in hell I'd run another night marathon.

Participated in another race – 15km Passion Run.

The beginning of my low points – work was beginning to be hell. I began to work long hours and getting chest pains.

Managed to squeeze in a long weekend to Bintan with Ken & Mun Yee. That got work off my mind for a bit.

One of my favourite performers from the 80's was in Singapore for a concert! Yes, Rick Astley! Truly a highlight what with yours truly managed to get at least two metres away from the stage and saw Rick almost up close. It was well worth the money too because I enjoyed performances by One Republic, Jamie Scott & The Town, Jason Mraz & Pussycat Dolls.

Flew to London on Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 AND on business class for business. The work bit did not thrill me to bits but London, the royal treatment on board the A380 and making Kevin green with envy that I flew on the A380 – priceless! It was nice to be back in London again – twice in a year! This almost never happens!

Meanwhile, the chest pains continued.

Was at Kylie's (Minogue, that is) concert. It was wow wow wow wow! I should be so lucky!! Actually, I was. Meant to be traveling to Bangkok for work the following morning after her concert but with the unrest in the capital, all flights were canceled. Spared me from having to struggle my way out of the city if I had gone a day earlier. Thank you, Kylie!

I completed the Standard Chartered full marathon in 6 hours and 4 minutes. Considering that I did not train as hard as I did last year, I managed to shave off 18 minutes from last year's time. An achievement for yours truly, regardless.

Set off to Sydney, Australia a day after the marathon. My maiden voyage to Down Under – never been there before, mate! Met a few friends who I made while working at my favourite French organisation and had a blast! MC, Phoebe & Bella were a fabulous company! I had a good dose of retail therapy too – bagged myself some good deals, Aussie's labels mainly. Packed myself a few bottles of wine after a visit to wine country.

My friend, Beate was in town for a week after my return from Sydney. The last time I saw her was in 1995 when she was here for her Asian holiday. I was thrilled to see her again. Although we rarely wrote to each other in the last decade also, I am so glad that we were able to pick things up again the moment we saw each other, like all of the last decade was just yesterday.

So there! That was my 2008. September & October were the dark months but those were the months where I had learned to deal with the anxiety that was work. My chest pains are no longer there and no long working hours for yours truly anymore.

Despite not being in love with my job, being at work is not a drag because I have a good boss and very supportive colleagues. I have never felt like I belong for a very long time now. I am close with a few of my colleagues and with them, everyday is always filled with laughter to help alleviate the stress that we have to deal with everyday.

2008 was a also the year where I had built new found friendships with a few people. One of them is with Andrea, who I have so much in common. We can go on talking for hours and never ran out of topics to talk about.

I feel that my life is well balanced now. Work is bearable with some good colleagues for company and out of work, I have good company too with new found friends. Plus I have enough activities to keep my mind off work when I away from it.

I am utterly positive, aren't I? I hope to maintain in this mode for 2009. Here's to a good year, if not great!

Friday, January 02, 2009

happy 2009!

Happy New Year! Bonne année ! Selamat Tahun Baru!

I did not start the new year very well - I was in bed all day with a cold and cough. :-( But hey, I am ok now. All ready to go through another 365 days in 2009.

I could not believe that I have neglected this blog for, oh, so long! Much has happened since 9 July. More details in my next post - which I hope will be posted soon!