How quickly time flies. As we say hello to 2006, let’s see what are the major and minor highlights of 2005.
The highlights would be:
My holiday to London, Paris and Dubai in May.
- Visited with Sal, Kaz and Mister D in Dubai
- Visited Kevin in London as well as making that ultimate visit to Leeds Castle in Kent after talking about it for years!
- Met up with my French colleagues in Paris, who I work closely with on a daily basis. Some of whom have become my friends (Cyrille, Steph, Pierre) and I had a great time with them in Paris. For once, I am hanging out with the locals rather with the tourists.
The lowlights would be:
The departure of my closest friends overseas.
- Sal and family moved to Dubai in February.
- Liza and son moved to Ohio in July.
It is sad to see your friends leave. I went through this the last decade when my closest friends relocated overseas. I only see Liza online once in a while. As for Sal, we have seen her returning with Mister D to Singapore a couple of times this year. However, it is not the same as seeing them on a regular basis. Now, who else is leaving the country?
Life goes on. May 2006 will be a better year for yours truly.

Me at Leeds Castle, Kent, England.

Kevin & Ger at the beach in Brighton.

Hanging out with Cyrille, Steph, Judith, Jim & Pierre in Paris (Place d'Italie to be exact).